The Effects of Real, Good Food



The Effects of Real, Good Food

By: Tessa Kauppila


Filling your plate with plant- and protein-rich food (like Abbot’s) whenever possible provides you with the fuel needed to do all the things you love—from physical endeavors, like running, dancing, or playing with little ones, to focus-oriented tasks, like journaling, reading, or meditating. 

In that sense, nourishment is the purest form of self-care. Healing, even. After a meal abundant in plants and whole foods, we feel energized and enabled, and can go about our days with a sense of gratitude and adoration for our bodies and all they can do. 

Don’t just take our word for it. Below, read real-life testaments to the power of nourishing with real, whole foods—a feat made even easier and more delicious with Abbot’s.

Healing With Whole Foods

“For years, I struggled with chronic illness, losing hair, sleep, and my sense of self. After much trial and error, I finally found relief via a clean, whole food, plant-rich diet—a transformation so profound (and delicious) that I knew I had to share it with as many people as possible.”
—Kerry Song, Abbot’s Founder & CEO

“As a plant-based physician, I have had a hard time treating patients that are vegetarians or vegan the same as omnivores given the time and skill it takes to prep for such a diet. Your product has made my life easy. With such a limited ingredient list and all ingredients that are all real foods, I pray that I never have to live life without them! Ever.”
—Gopal G., FL

“I’m hoping to be able to heal from my autoimmune conditions. I drive over an hour to find a store that carries your products so we can stock up. Thanks for creating products to help the healing journey.”
—Amy S., PA 

“I absolutely loved [Abbot’s Chopped Chick’n]! I’ve been looking for ways to cut meat and lower my inflammation from arthritis. This product was perfect for me… I used it to make a barbecue chicken pizza.” —Cynthia H.

We’re honored to be able to help others nourish and heal, and in turn feel motivated, present, and in good health for themselves and those around them.

At the end of the day, it’s empowering to know we can impact how we move through the world… starting with what’s on the other end of our fork. 

Ready to nourish your gut, your health, and even your mind? Read more in Our Journal


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