5 Nutrients For Total-Body Nourishment



5 Nutrients For Total-Body Nourishment

By: Tessa Kauppila


At Abbot’s, we live by the phrase “Eat Consciously, Live Vibrantly.” We know that what’s on our plate not only impacts our health, but also our greater well-being and how we show up in the world. 

The link between what we eat and how we feel, both emotionally and physically, is also backed by science. In fact, there’s an emerging field, coined “nutritional psychiatry”, that seeks to interpret and reveal how food affects mental health and cognitive function—another reminder of nutrition’s immense power.

With this connection in mind, we explored five of the major nutrients needed for total-body health and vitality. Read on for our picks (then add them to your next grocery list). 

5 Nutrients for Total-Body Nourishment 

1. High-Quality Proteins

Protein is the foundation for radiant health and well-being, but not all protein is created equal. Our plant-rich products feature pea protein, a clean and complete protein source containing all nine essential amino acids to help you build lean muscle, stay satiated for longer periods of time, maintain energy, and even support cognitive health. Yes, all that from the small-but-mighty pea. 

2. Omega Fatty Acids

There are three types of omega fatty acids: omega-3s, omega-6s, and omega-9s. Dietitians focus most on omega-3s, as omega-9s are nonessential and omega-6s are plentiful in most diets (and can actually be inflammatory in excess). Omega-3s, however, may help ease inflammation and have been linked to reduced risk of cognitive decline when consumed overtime.

Plant-based sources of omega-3s include olive and flaxseed oils, walnuts, hemp and chia seeds, and algae. Our products are made exclusively with olive oil, and we love boosting our omega-3s even further by pairing our Chick’n with some toasted walnuts in an arugula salad.  

3. Flavonoids 

Flavonoids are phytochemical compounds found solely in plants and, in addition to lending a fruit or veggie its vibrant hue, contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that support system-wide vitality. For a dinner celebrating their potent power, we love sautéing our Ground “Beef” with onions and combining with marinara for a rich and hearty bolognese sauce. A glass of (flavonoid-rich) red wine is optional.  

4. Complex Carbs 

Carbohydrates are the human body’s natural energy source, and complex carbs—such as peas, beans, quinoa, and whole grain pasta—provide a long-lasting, steady form of energy to fuel your brain and body. Pair any one of our plant-rich proteins with your favorite complex carb and feel the total-body benefits.

5. Dark, Leafy Greens

While greens aren’t technically a nutrient category, we would be remiss to leave them out when it comes to talking about our health. Dark leafy greens—like kale, collards, spinach, and broccoli—contain a host of body-loving vitamins including folate, vitamin K, lutein, and beta carotene. Plus, they’re water- and fiber-rich, supporting hydration, digestion, and skin health.  Get your fill by enjoying our wholesome Roasted Chick’n & Vegetable Bowl or Butternut Squash Tacos with Kale Slaw.

Want to learn more about how to optimize your health? Read more in Our Journal


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