The Power of Plant Protein



The Power of Plant Protein

By: Tessa Kauppila


Protein’s a macronutrient with a lot of buzz and confusion surrounding it, especially when it comes to the plant-based space. Why do we need protein? Can we get enough from a plant-forward diet? How?

At Abbot’s, we believe that protein is the foundation for vibrant health and well-being, and that plant protein is a clean and nourishing way to achieve our protein goals, which differ for each person dependent on activity levels and health goals. 

To truly understand how proteins affect our health, and why where we source our protein matters, we have to get down to the molecular level. Twenty amino acids form the building blocks of protein, eleven of which our bodies naturally produce and nine of which we must obtain through food (called essential amino acids). While animal sources are naturally a complete protein source, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids, a plant-focused diet requires a little more thought; we must champion a diverse array of plant proteins (nuts, beans, legumes, etc.) to form a complete protein as plants often only include a few of the nine essential amino acids. 

Instead of seeing this as a challenge, we view it as a beautiful (and downright delicious) way to nourish our health. Plus, when we fill our plates with an abundance of plants, we’re also reaping the benefits that a diversified, technicolor diet has on our gut microbiome.

In our plant-rich products, we use pea protein—a clean and complete protein source containing all nine essential amino acids—to help you reap the total-body benefits of protein, like building lean muscle, staying satiated for longer periods of time, boosting energy, and even supporting cognitive health. Yes, all that from the small-but-mighty pea.

Below, explore three ways protein impacts on our total-body well-being.

3 Reasons We’re Pro-Protein 

1.Promotes Muscle Development

For fitness enthusiasts, from bodybuilders to pilates mavens, protein is often top of mind. Adequate protein intake is associated with muscle preservation and growth, which helps us see the results of our dedicated movement practices. Maintaining muscle strength is also vital to healthy aging, protecting joints from injury and allowing us to fully participate in all that life has to offer. 

2. Keeps You Fuller, Longer

Ever been so busy with work that you’ve skipped lunch but then found yourself unable to focus on the tasks at hand? Satiation and satisfaction are pivotal to our brain prowess, and protein is a key nutrient in checking those boxes thanks to its effect on our hormones that control fullness and hunger. 

3. SuPports Longevity

To promote our healthspan, the period of life in which we’re in good health, we must nourish with the right macro and micronutrients. Cue protein. Protein supports cellular function and growth, as well as works to prevent muscle atrophy, an effect of aging and many chronic diseases.

Next time you bite into Abbot’s, know that that hearty, “meaty” bite is a product of powerful plant protein—crafted without any animal products or chemicals so you can savor all the benefits, no strings attached.

Want to learn more about how to optimize your health? Read more in Our Journal


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