Real Food, Real Voices: Ashley Wilke



Real Food, Real Voices: Ashley Wilke

By: Tessa Kauppila


Welcome to “Real Food, Real Voices”, a series where we discuss nutrition and wellness with founders, creators, thought-leaders, and industry experts. Hear how they incorporate Abbot’s into their own plant-rich lifestyles—and feel better as a result. 

There’s a multitude of ways Abbot’s plant proteins can help elevate health and well-being—from transforming weeknight recipes into an opportunity for family-wide nourishment to fueling fitness goals through an increased intake of high-quality protein.

For nutritionist and fitness coach Ashley Wilke, Abbot’s is a (delicious) tool in her wellness toolbox, one that supports a thriving and active plant-based lifestyle.

Recently, we sat down with Ashley to chat everything from her strength-building advice to her favorite recipes featuring Abbot’s. Read on for her inspired answers.

What inspired you to become a nutritionist and fitness coach?

In my early 20s, I spent most of my time in the modeling industry. This industry was devastating on my anxiety and self-esteem and led to severe body image issues. I developed a very unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. This was also around the time that I went vegan. I quickly realized that I had no idea how to properly fuel my body as a plant-based individual.

I knew that I was firm in my beliefs in the vegan lifestyle, so I decided to become certified in plant-based nutrition so that I could learn the tools required to absolutely thrive off plants. Once I got certified as a nutritionist and started implementing what I had learned into my own diet, I immediately noticed a difference in my body composition and energy levels.

I started sharing my knowledge with anyone willing to listen and realized that there were so many people just like me who were eager to learn how to live more compassionately and get healthier while doing so. I became certified as an online coach and fitness trainer, and started my online coaching business, Ashley Wilke Fit. It is truly my mission to help women feel their best and most confident selves, all while leaving animals off their plates!

How do you advise people who are trying to build strength and/or lean muscle while eating mostly plant-based?

My biggest piece of advice is to make sure that you are getting protein with every meal. Protein is an essential macronutrient that our bodies need for strength, energy, and overall health. The best rule of thumb is to try to get a minimum of 20% of your daily calories from protein.

There are many myths regarding vegan protein. One of the biggest ones is the idea that you simply cannot get enough! There are SO many amazing ways to get protein, and as a vegan for nearly 10 years, I easily get around 30% of my daily calories from plant-based protein sources

Foods like Abbot’s plant-rich proteins, tofu, chickpeas, lentils, oats, nuts, seeds, nutritional yeast, and even some veggies are all high in protein. 

Tell us—what’s your favorite dish or way to use Abbot’s?

I honestly cannot pick a favorite way to use Abbot’s! I use the Ground “Beef” in tacos, pizza, soups, and chili and the Chick’n in casseroles, pasta, and fajitas. It’s such an amazing and clean product that makes a great high-protein addition to all of my favorite meals.

Outside of nutrition, what are other ways you care for your well-being? 

As someone who suffers from anxiety, practicing wellness and mindfulness has become so important to me. I spend time journaling and going for lots of walks with my husband and dog. Being in nature is therapeutic for me. I also believe in the power of a grateful heart; spending time daily, saying out loud the things I am grateful for, has truly helped shift my mindset. 

As a nutritionist and fitness coach, you help empower others on their wellness journeys. Can you tell us more about your online coaching program, what sets you apart, and what clients can expect?   

Ashley Wilke Fit is an online coaching community that is all about helping women get fit and gain confidence through a compassionate, vegan lifestyle! As a coach, I provide my clients with customized meal and fitness plans. I also provide daily support and accountability. My clients are women who are considering veganism or already vegan, but feel they may not be properly fueling their bodies. They already work out, but they lack consistency. My program helps them crush their goals and learn valuable skills that they can use for the rest of their life. 

Want to learn more about how to optimize your health? Read more in Our Journal


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